Book Chapters
S. Jeon, A. Babakhani, and A. Hajimiri, ” Integrated Phased Arrays,” in Advanced Millimeter-wave Technologies , Duixian Liu et al. (editors), A John Wiley and Sons Ltd Publications, 2009.
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
S. Razavian and A. Babakhani, “Multi-spectral THz micro-doppler radar based on a silicon-based picosecond pulse radiator ,” in 2020 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), August 2020.
S. Razavian and A. Babakhani, “A fully integrated coherent 50–500-GHz frequency comb receiver for broadband sensing and imaging applications ,” in 2020 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), August 2020.
H. Rahmani and A. Babakhani, “An Integrated Battery-Less Wirelessly Powered RFID Tag with Clock Recovery and Data Transmitter for UWB Localization ,” in 2020 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), August 2020.
M. Miscuglio, Z. Hu, S. Li, J. Gu, A. Babakhani, P. Gupta, C. Wong, D. Pan, S. Bank, H. Dalir and V. Sorger, “Massive parallelism Fourier-optic convolutional processor ,” in Signal Processing in Photonic Communications, July 2020.
Y. Mehta, S. Razavian, K. Schwarm, RM. Spearrin and A. Babakhani, “Terahertz Gas-phase Spectroscopy of CO using a Silicon-based Picosecond Impulse Radiator ,” in 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), May 2020.
J. Meng, M. Miscuglio, J. George, A Babakhani, and V. Sorger, “Coherent parallel binary-weighted digital-to-analog converter in silicon photonics ,” in 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), May 2020.
M. Miscuglio, Z. Hu, S. Li, J. Gu, A. Babakhani, P. Gupta, C. Wong, D. Pan, S. Bank, H. Dalir and V. Sorger, “Million-channel parallelism Fourier-optic convolutional filter and neural network processor ,” in CLEO: Science and Innovations, May 2020.
B. Jamali, S. Razavian and A. Babakhani, “Fully electronic silicon-based THz pulse sources and detectors ,” in Terahertz Photonics, March 2020.
H. Rahmani and A. Babakhani, “A 1.6mm3 Wirelessly Powered Reconfigurable FDD Radio with On-Chip Antennas Achieving 4.7 pJ/b TX and 1 pJ/b RX Energy Efficiencies for Medical Implants ,” 2020 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, March 2020.
M. Miscuglio, P. Gupta, A. Babakhani, C. Wong, H. Dalir, T. El-Ghazawi and V. Sorger, “Photonic convolutional processor for network edge computing ,” in AI and Optical Data Sciences, March 2020.
M. Hosseini, M. Assefzadeh, S. Razavian, Y. Mehta and A. Babakhani, “Terahertz Channel Characterization using a Silicon-based Picosecond Pulse Source ,” in 2020 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Jan. 2020.
SMK. Pour, M. Forghani and A. Babakhani, “Micrometer-Sized Sensors with Free-Space Optical Energy Harvesting in CMOS ,” in 2020 IEEE 20th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, Jan. 2020.
J. Lovell, O. Kulbrandstad, S. Madem, D. Meza and A. Babakhani, “Digitizing Chemical Data for Real Time Flow Assurance ,” in International Petroleum Technology Conference, Jan. 2020.
S. Razavian and A. Babakhani, “A THz Pulse Radiator Based on PIN Diode Reverse Recovery ,” in 2019 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium, Nov. 2019.
D. Abdallah, S. Punnapala, KA. Daghar, O. Kulbrandstad, M. Godoy, J. Lovell, S. Madem and A. Babakhani, “From Ideation to Commercialization–Development of the First Real-Time Monitoring Device for Asphaltene Deposition ,” in SPE Gas & Oil Technology Showcase and Conference, Oct. 2019.
B. Jamali and A. Babakhani, “A fully integrated 30-to-160GHz coherent detector with a broadband frequency comb in 65nm CMOS ,” in 2019 14th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), Sept. 2019.
B. Jamali, J. Zhou and A. Babakhani, “Broadband spectroscopy of materials with an integrated comb-based millimeter-wave detector ,” in 2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Sept. 2019.
S. Razavian, MM. Assefzadeh, M. Hosseini and A. Babakhani, “THz micro-Doppler measurements based on a silicon-based Picosecond pulse radiator ,” in 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, June 2019.
MM. Assefzadeh, B. Jamali and A. Babakhani, “Precision Gas Sensing Based on THz Spectroscopy ,” in Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference, Nov. 2018.
D. Abdallah, S. Punnapala, O. Kulbrandstad, M. Godoy, S. Madem, A. Babakhani and J. Lovell, “Asphaltene Studies in On-Shore Abu Dhabi Fields, Part IV: Development of a Surface Sensor ,” in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Sept. 2019.
H. Lyu, M. John, D. Burkland, B. Greet, Y. Xi, L. Sampaio, D. Taylor, M. Razavi and A. Babakhani, “A Multi-site Heart Pacing Study Using Wirelessly Powered Leadless Pacemakers ,” in 2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, July 2018.
H. Lyu, J. Wang, JH. La, JM. Chung and A. Babakhani, “An energy-efficient wirelessly powered millimeter-scale neurostimulator with optimized inductive loop antenna and custom rectifier ,” in 2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium-IMS, June 2018.
H. Rahmani and A. Babakhani, “A 434 MHz dual-mode power harvesting system with an on-chip coil in 180 nm CMOS SOI for mm-sized implants ,” in 2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium-IMS, June 2018.
Y. Sun, D. Li and A. Babakhani, “A Wirelessly-Powered I. 460Hz Transmitter with On-Chip Antennas in I80nm CMOS ,” in 2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium-IMS, June 2018.
H. Aggrawal and A. Babakhani, “A nonlinear impulse sampler for detection of picosecond pulses in 90 nm SiGe BiCMOS ,” in 2017 12th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, Oct. 2017.
D. Li and A. Babakhani, “A 4.3 to 5.7 GHz frequency-agile receiver for rapidly-changing channels ,” in 2017 IEEE 60th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Aug. 2017.
H. Rahmani and A. Babakhani, “3GHz Wireless Power Receiver with an On-chip Antenna for Millimeter-size Biomedical Implants in 180nm SOI CMOS ,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, Jun 2017.
Y. Sun and A. Babakhani, “Wirelessly Powered Implantable Pacemaker with On-Chip Antenna ,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, Jun 2017.
B. Jamali and A. Babakhani, “A Fully Integrated Injection-Locked Picosecond Pulse Receiver for 0.29psrms-Jitter Wireless Clock Synchronization in 65nm CMOS ,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, Jun 2017.
Y. Sun, M. Razavi, F. Raissi Shabari, B. D. Greet, D. Burkland, M. John, B. Aazhang, and A. Babakhani, “Novel Wireless Pacemaker Without Need for On Board Battery ,” in Heart Rhythm Scientific Sessions, May 2017.
H. Rahmani and A. Babakhani, ” A Fully Integrated Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting Circuit with an on-Chip Antenna for Biomedical Implants in 180 nm SOI CMOS , ” in IEEE Sensors, Nov 2016.
A. Babakhani, ” High-Power THz Pulse Radiation With GHz Repetition Rate In Silicon , ” in Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Sep. 2016. (Invited Keynote Talk)
M. Assefzadeh and A. Babakhani, ” Broadband 0.03-1.032THz Signal Generation And Radiation Based On A Fully-Integrated 4×2 Impulse Radiating Array In 90nm SiGe BiCMOS , ” in Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Sep. 2016. (Finalist for Best Paper Award)
M. Assefzadeh and A. Babakhani, ” Broadband THz Spectroscopic Imaging based on a Fully Integrated 4×2 Digital-to-Impulse Radiating Array with a Full-Spectrum of 0.03-1.03THz in Silicon , ” in IEEE Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits, Jun. 2016.
P. Chen, M. Hosseini, and A. Babakhani, ” An Integrated Germanium-Based Optical Waveguide Coupled THz Photoconductive Antenna in Silicon , ” in the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CELO), Jun. 2016.
M. Assefzadeh, B. Jamali, A. Gluszek, A. Hudzikowski, J. Wojtas, F. Tittel, and A. Babakhani, ” Terahertz Trace Gas Spectroscopy Based on a Fully-Electronic Frequency-Comb Radiating Array in Silicon , ” in the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CELO), Jun. 2016.
M. Assefzadeh and A. Babakhani, ” Broadband Beam-forming of Terahertz Pulses with a Single-Chip 4×2 Array in Silicon , ” in IEEE Antennas and Propagation International Symposium, Jun. 2016. (Best Paper Award-2nd Place)
P. Chen and A. Babakhani, ” A 4ps Amplitude Reconfigurable Impulse Radiator with THz-TDS Characterization Method in 0.13µm SiGe BiCMOS , ” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, May 2016. (Best Paper Award-2nd Place)
M. Assefzadeh and A. Babakhani, ” A Fully-Integrated Digitally-Programmable 4×4 Picosecond Digital-to-Impulse Radiating Array in 65nm Bulk CMOS , ” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, May 2016.
X. Yang and A. Babakhani, ” A Single-Chip In-Band Full-Duplex Low-IF Transceiver with Self-Interference Cancellation , ” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, May 2016. (Finalist for Best Paper Award)
B. Jamali and A. Babakhani, ” Sub-picosecond Wireless Synchronization Based on a Millimeter-Wave Impulse Receiver with an On-chip Antenna in 0.13µm SiGe BiCMOS , ” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, May 2016.
Y. Sun and A. Babakhani, ” A Wirelessly Powered Injection-Locked Oscillator with On-Chip Antennas in 180nm SOI CMOS , ” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, May 2016.
M. Assefzadeh and A. Babakhani, ” Multi-Order Transmission Line-Radial Stub Networks for Broadband Impedance Matching and Power Combining in a Watt-Level Silicon Power Amplifier , ” in Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems, Mar. 2016.
M. Assefzadeh and A. Babakhani, ” Picosecond Digital-to-Impulse Generator in Silicon , ” in IEEE Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF, Jan. 2016. (Best Paper Award)
H. Aggrawal and A. Babakhani, ” An Ultra-Wideband Impulse Receiver for sub-100fsec Time-Transfer and sub-30µm Localization , ” in IEEE Radio and Wireless Symp. Dig. Papers, Jan. 2016. (Finalist for Best Paper Award)
B. Jamali and A. Babakhani, ” A 0.2-2.6GHz Instantaneous Frequency-to-Voltage Converter in 90nm CMOS, ” in IEEE Radio and Wireless Symp. Dig. Papers, Jan. 2016.
H. Aggrawal and A. Babakhani, ” Ultra-Wideband Pulse-Based Directional Modulation , ” in IEEE International Microwave and RF Conference, Dec. 2015. (Finalist for Best Paper Award)
C. Chen and A. Babakhani, ” Wireless Synchronization of mm-wave Arrays in 65nm CMOS , ” in IEEE CICC Symp. Dig. Papers, Sept. 2015.
A. Babakhani, ” Picosecond Impulse Radiating Arrays in Silicon , ” in in International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Aug. 2015. (Invited Keynote Talk)
A. Babakhani, ” Single-Chip Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Transceivers , ” in 57th Annual Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance, Jul. 2015. (Invited Keynote Talk)
A. Babakhani, ” Picosecond Impulse Radiating Arrays in Silicon , ” in International Symposium on Microwave/Terahertz Science and Application, Jul. 2015. (Invited Keynote Talk)
M. Assefzadeh and A. Babakhani, ” A 9-psec Differential Lens-Less Digital-to-Impulse Radiator with 150-fs-Resolution Delay Line in Silicon , ” in IEEE RFIC Symp. Dig. Papers, Jun. 2014.
X. Yang and A. Babakhani, ” A 4.6-5.35GHz Transceiver with 38dB On-Chip Self-Interference Cancelation at 10kHz Offset Frequency , ” in IEEE RFIC Symp. Dig. Papers, May 2015. (Finalist for Best Paper Award)
P. Chen and A. Babakhani, ” A 30GHz Impulse Radiator with On-Chip Antennas for High-Resolution 3D Imaging , ” in IEEE Radio and Wireless Symp. Dig. Papers, Jan. 2015. (Best Paper Award)
X. Yang and A. Babakhani, ” A 2.5Gb/s 0.38mm2 Optical Receiver with Integrated Photodiodes in 0.18µm CMOS SOI , ” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, Jun. 2014.
H. Aggrawal and A. Babakhani, ” A 40GS/s Track-and-Hold Sampler with 62dB SFDR3 in 45nm CMOS SOI , ” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, Jun. 2014. (Finalist for Best Paper Award, 4th Prize)
M. Assefzadeh and A. Babakhani, ” An 8-psec 13dBm Peak EIRP Digital-to-Impulse Radiator with an On-chip Slot Bow-Tie Antenna in Silicon , ” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, Jun. 2014. (Best Paper Award)
X. Yang and A. Babakhani, ” Picosecond Wireless Synchronization Using an Optically Locked Voltage Controlled Oscillator (OL-VCO) , ” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, Jun. 2014.
X. Yang, M. Tavakkoli, W. Chapman, and A. Babakhani, ” Detecting Asphaltenes by a Miniaturized Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Sensor , ” in International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC), Jan. 2014.
P. Bhatnagar, M. Alauddin, P. Seifi, J. A Bankson, D. Kirui, H. Huls, D. A. Lee, A. Babakhani, M. Ferrari, K. C. Li, and L. JN Cooper, ” Imaging Of Genetically-Engineered Primary Human T-Cells with Multi-Modal Contrast Nanoparticles , ” in MRS, Symposium I: Multiscale Materials in the Study and Treatment of Cancer, Dec. 2013.
X. Yang and A. Babakhani, ” Impact of Layout on the Performance of Photodiodes in 0.18µm CMOS SOI , ” in IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Sept. 2013, pp. 343-346.
C. Chen, P. Seifi, and A. Babakhani, ” A Silicon-Based, Fully Integrated Pulse Electron Paramagnetic Resonance System for mm-Wave Spectroscopy , ” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, Jun. 2013.
X. Yang, P. Seifi, and A. Babakhani, ” A Single-Chip Dual-Mode CW/Pulse Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer in 0.13µm SiGe BiCMOS , ” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, Jun. 2013.
X. Yang and A. Babakhani, ” Optical Waveguides and Photodiodes in 0.18µm CMOS SOI with No Post-processing , ” in Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) Conference, Mar. 2013.
M. Ferriss, J. Plouchart, A. Natarajan, A. Rylyakov, B. Parker, A. Babakhani, S. Yaldiz, B. Sadhu, A. Valdes-Garcia, J. Tierno, and D. Friedman, ” An Integral Path Self-calibration Scheme for A 20.1-26.7GHz Dual-loop PLL in 32nm SOI CMOS , ” in IEEE Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits (VLSI), Jun. 2012, pp. 176-177.
B. Sadhu, M. A. Ferriss, J. O. Plouchart, A. S. Natarajan, A. V. Rylyakov, A. Valdes-Garcia, B. D. Parker, S. Reynold, A. Babakhani, S. Yaldiz, L. Pileggi, R. Harjani, J. Tierno, and D. Friedman, ” A 21.8-27.5GHz PLL in 32nm SOI Using Gm Linearization to Achieve -130dBc/Hz Phase Noise at 10MHz Offset from a 22GHz Carrier , ” in IEEE RFIC Symp. Dig. Papers , Jun. 2012, pp. 75-78 .
A. Babakhani, D. Liu, M. Sanduleanu, and S. Reynolds, ” A Near-field Millimeter-wave Dielectric Imaging Technique with Sub-wavelength Spatial Resolution , ” in International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) , Oct. 2011.
J. Lavaei, A. Babakhani, A. Hajimiri, and J. C. Doyle, “Passively Controllable Smart Antennas ,” in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) , Dec., 2010.
A. Babakhani, J. Lavaei, J. C. Doyle, and A. Hajimiri, “Finding Globally Optimum Solutions in Antenna Optimization Problems ,” in IEEE Antennas and Propagation International Symposium , Jul., 2010.
J. Lavaei, A. Babakhani, A. Hajimiri, and J. C. Doyle, “Programmable Antenna Design Using Convex Optimization ,” in 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems , Jul., 2010.
J. Lavaei, A. Babakhani, A. Hajimiri, and J. C. Doyle, “A Study of Near-Field Direct Antenna Modulation Systems Using Convex Optimization ,” in American Control Conference , Jun., 2010.
J. Lavaei, A. Babakhani, A. Hajimiri, and J. C. Doyle, “Solving Large-Scale Linear Circuit Problems via Convex Optimization ,” in Proc. 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Dec. 2009.
A. H. Chang, A. Babakhani, and A. Hajimiri, “ Near-Field Direct Antenna Modulation (NFDAM) Transmitter at 2.4 GHz ,” in IEEE Antennas and Propagation International Symposium , Jun. 2009.
A. Babakhani, D. B. Rutledge, and A. Hajimiri, “A Near-Field Modulation Technique Using Antenna Reflector Switching ,” in IEEE ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers , Feb. 2008, pp.188-189 (Highest Rank in the Subcommittee Review).
S. Jeon, Y. Wang, H. Wang, F. Bohn, A. Natarajan, A. Babakhani, and A. Hajimiri, “A Scalable 6-to-18GHz Concurrent Dual-Band Quad-Beam Phased-Array Receiver in CMOS ,” in IEEE ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers , Feb. 2008, pp.186-187.
Y. Wang, S. Jeon, A. Babakhani, and A. Hajimiri, “A 6-to-18 GHz Tunable Concurrent Dual-Band Receiver Front End for Scalable Phased Arrays in 130nm CMOS ,” in IEEE RFIC Symp. Dig. Papers , Jun. 2008, pp. 343-346.
H. Wang, S. Jeon, Y. Wang, F. Bohn, A. Natarajan, A. Babakhani, and A. Hajimiri, “A Tunable Concurrent 6-to-18GHz Phased-Array System in CMOS ,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium , Jun. 2008, pp. 687 – 690.
A. Babakhani, D. B. Rutledge, and A. Hajimiri, “Millimeter-Wave Phased Arrays in Silicon With Integrated Antennas ,” in IEEE Antennas and Propagation International Symposium , Jun. 2007, pp. 4369 – 4372.
A. Hassibi, A. Babakhani, and A. Hajimiri, “A Spectral-Scanning Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Integrated System ,” in IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference , Sept. 2007, pp.123-126.
A. Babakhani, X. Guan, A. Komijani, A. Natarajan, and A. Hajimiri, “A 77 GHz 4-Element Phased Array Receiver with On-Chip Dipole Antennas in Silicon ,” in IEEE ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers , Feb. 2006, pp.180-181 (Second Highest Rank in the Subcommittee Review).
A. Natarajan, A. Komijani, X. Guan, A. Babakhani, Y. Wang, and A. Hajimiri, “A 77 GHz Phased-Array Transmitter With Local LO-Path Phase-Shifting in Silicon ,” in IEEE ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers , Feb. 2006, pp. 182-183 (Highest Rank in the Subcommittee Review).
J. Buckwalter, A. Babakhani, A. Komijani, and A. Hajimiri, “Quadrature Sub-harmonic Coupled Oscillators for a 60 GHz SiGe Scalable Phased Array ,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium , Jun. 2006, pp. 822-825.
Journal Papers
H. Lyu, Z. Wang and A. Babakhani, “A UHF/UWB Hybrid RFID Tag With a 51-m Energy-Harvesting Sensitivity for Remote Vital-Sign Monitoring ,” in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, August 2020.
S. Razavian, J. Han, B. Jamali, P. Pribyl, M. Hosseini, Y. Mehta, M. Forghani, W. Gekelman and A. Babakhani, “Plasma Characterization Using a Silicon-Based Terahertz Frequency Comb Radiator ,” in IEEE Sensors Letters, July 2020.
B. Jamali, D. Ramalingam, and A. Babakhani, “Intelligent material classification and identification using a broadband millimeter-wave frequency comb receiver ,” in IEEE Sensors Letters, June 2020.
H. Rahmani, M. Archang, B. Jamali, M. Forghani, A. Ambrus, D. Ramalingam, Z. Sun, P. Scumpia, H. Coller and A. Babakhani, “Towards a Machine-Learning-Assisted Dielectric Sensing Platform for Point-of-Care Wound Monitoring ,” in IEEE Sensor Letters, June 2020.
H. Rahmani, Y. Sun, M. Kherwa, S. Pal and A. Babakhani, “Coherent Radiation from a Swarm of Wirelessly Powered and Synchronized Sensor Nodes ,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, May 2020.
S. Razavian, J. Han, B. Jamali, P. Pribyl, M. Hosseini, Y. Mehta, M. Forghani, W. Gekelman and A. Babakhani, “Plasma Characterization Using a Silicon-Based Terahertz Frequency Comb Radiator ,” in IEEE Sensors Letters, Sept. 2020.
B. Jamali, D. Ramalingam and A. Babakhani, “Intelligent Material Classification and Identification Using a Broadband Millimeter-Wave Frequency Comb Receiver ,” in IEEE Sensors Letters, July 2020.
H. Rahmani, M. Archang, B. Jamali, M. Forghani, A. Ambrus, D. Ramalingam, Z. Sun, P. Scumpia, H. Coller and A. Babakhani, “Towards a Machine-Learning-Assisted Dielectric Sensing Platform for Point-of-Care Wound Monitoring ,” in IEEE Sensors Letters, June 2020.
H. Rahmani, Y. Sun, M. Kherwa, S. Pal and A. Babakhani, “Coherent Radiation from a Swarm of Wirelessly Powered and Synchronized Sensor Nodes ,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, May 2020.
H. Lyu, M. John, D. Burkland, B. Greet, A. Post, A. Babakhani and M. Razavi, “Synchronized Biventricular Heart pacing in a closed-chest porcine Model based on Wirelessly powered Leadless pacemakers ,” in Scientific Reports, April 2020.
B. Jamali, S. Razavian and A. Babakhani, “Fully electronic silicon-based THz pulse sources and detectors ,” in Terahertz Photonics, March 2020.
H. Lyu, M. John, D. Burkland, B. Greet, A. Post, A. Babakhani and M. Razavi, “Synchronized Biventricular Heart pacing in a closed-chest porcine Model based on Wirelessly powered Leadless pacemakers ,” in Scientific Reports, February 2020.
H. Lyu, X. Liu and A. Babakhani, “A 100-M/s 2.6-pJ/pulse compact UWB impulse transmitter based on antenna-and-pulse-generator codesign ,” in IEICE Electronics Express, Dec. 2019.
J. Meng, M. Miscuglio, J. George, N. Usechak, A. Babakhani, B. Jalali and V. Sorger, “Electronic Bottleneck Suppression in Next-generation Networks with Integrated Photonic Digital-to-analog Converters ,” in arXiv, Nov. 2019.
Z. Zhang, A. Alwen, H. Lyu, X. Liu, Z. Li, Z. Xie, Y. Xie, F. Guan, A. Babakhani and Q. Pei, “Stretchable transparent wireless charging coil fabricated by negative transfer printing ,” in ACS applied materials and interfaces, Oct. 2019.
B. Jamali and A. Babakhani, “A fully integrated 50–280-GHz frequency comb detector for coherent broadband sensing ,” in IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, Sept. 2019.
B. Jamali and A. Babakhani, “Wireless time transfer with subpicosecond accuracy based on a fully integrated injection-locked picosecond pulse detector ,” in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Aug. 2019.
Y. Cherivirala, H. Lyu, H. Alhowri and A. Babakhani, “Wirelessly Powered Microchips for Mapping Hydraulic Fractures ,” in SPE Journal, Aug. 2019.
H. Lyu, X. Liu, Y. Sun, Z. Jian and A. Babakhani, “A 915-MHz Far-Field Energy Harvester With− 22-dBm Sensitivity and 3-V Output Voltage Based on Antenna-and-Rectifier Codesign ,” in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters, July 2019.
Y. Sun and A. Babakhani, “A wirelessly powered injection-locked oscillator with on-chip antennas in 180-nm SOI CMOS for spectroscopy application ,” in IEEE Sensors Letters, July 2019.
P. Chen, M. Hosseini and A. Babakhani, “An integrated Germanium-based THz impulse radiator with an optical waveguide coupled photoconductive switch in silicon ,” in Micromachines, June 2019.
E. Bengio, D. Senic, L.Taylor, R. Headrick, M. King, P. Chen, C. Little, J. Ladbury, C. Long, C. Holloway, A. Babakhani, J. Booth, N. Orloff and M. Pasquali, “Carbon nanotube thin film patch antennas for wireless communications ,” in Applied Physics Letters, May 2019.
H. Lyu, Z. Jian, X. Liu, Y. Sun and A. Babakhani, “Towards the implementation of a wirelessly powered dielectric sensor with digitized output for implantable applications ,” in IEEE Sensors Letters, Jan. 2019.
Y. Sun and A. Babakhani, “Wirelessly-powered dielectric sensor with on-chip antennas in 180 nm SOI CMOS process ,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, Dec. 2018.
H. Lyu, P. Gad, H. Zhong, VR. Edgerton and A. Babakhani, “A 430-MHz wirelessly powered implantable pulse generator with intensity/rate control and sub-1 μA quiescent current consumption ,” in IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems, Nov. 2018.
H Lyu, M John, D Burkland, B Greet, Y Xi, LC Sampaio, DA Taylor, A. Babakhani and M. Razavi, “Leadless multisite pacing: A feasibility study using wireless power transfer based on Langendorff rodent heart models ,” in Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology, Nov. 2018.
H. Rahmani and A. Babakhani, “A dual-mode RF power harvesting system with an on-chip coil in 180-nm SOI CMOS for millimeter-sized biomedical implants ,” in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Oct. 2018.
H. Lyu, J. Wang, JH. La, JM. Chung, A. Babakhani, “An energy-efficient wirelessly powered millimeter-scale neurostimulator implant based on systematic codesign of an inductive loop antenna and a custom rectifier ,” in IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems, July 2018.
B. Jamali and A. Babakhani, “A self-mixing picosecond impulse receiver with an on-chip antenna for high-speed wireless clock synchronization ,” in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Feb. 2018.
E. Bengio, D. Senic, L. Taylor, D. Tsentalovich, P. Chen, C. Holloway, A. Babakhani, C. Long, D. Novotny, J. Booth, N. Orloff and M. Pasquali, “High efficiency carbon nanotube thread antennas ,” in Applied Physics Letters, Oct. 2017.
MM. Assefzadeh and A. Babakhani, “Broadband oscillator-free THz pulse generation and radiation based on direct digital-to-impulse architecture ,” in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Aug. 2017.
P. Chen, MM. Assefzadeh, A. Babakhani, “Time-domain characterization of silicon-based integrated picosecond impulse radiators ,” in IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, July 2017.
P. Chen and A. Babakhani, “3-D radar imaging based on a synthetic array of 30-GHz impulse radiators with on-chip antennas in 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS ,” in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Apr. 2017.
C. Chen and A. Babakhani, “Wireless synchronization and spatial combining of widely spaced mm-wave arrays in 65-nm CMOS ,” in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Apr. 2017.
N. Komatsu, W. Gao, P. Chen, C. Guo, A. Babakhani, J. Kono, “Modulation-Doped Multiple Quantum Wells of Aligned Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes ,” in Advanced Functional Materials , Feb. 2017.
H. Aggrawal, R. Puhl, C. Studer, A. Babakhani, “Ultra-wideband joint spatial coding for secure communication and high-resolution imaging ,” in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Feb. 2017.
P. Chen and A. Babakhani, “A Nonlinear Q-Switching Impedance Technique for Picosecond Pulse Radiation in Silicon ,” in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques , vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 4685-4700, Dec. 2016.
P. Chen, Mahdi Assefzadeh, and A. Babakhani, ” fsec Laser based THz-TDS Characterization of Picosecond Impulse Radiators ,” invited and to appear in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Special Issue on Emerging RF Measurement Techniques and Applications, 2016.
H. Aggrawal, M. Assefzadeh, B. Jamali, P. Chen, and A. Babakhani, ” Gone in a Picosecond: Techniques for the Generation and Detection of Picosecond Pulses and Their Applications ,” in IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 24-38 2016.
M. Assefzadeh and A. Babakhani, ” Broadband Pulse Generation and Radiation with 1.9ps FWHM and 2.5mW Peak Radiated Power based on Direct Digital-to-Impulse Architecture ,” submitted to IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 2016.
H. Aggrawal, C. Studer, and A. Babakhani, ” Ultra-Wideband Joint Spatial Coding for Secure Communication and High-Resolution Imaging ,” invited and to appear in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, , 2016.
H. Aggrawal and A. Babakhani, ” An Active Cancellation Architecture for High-speed Track-and-Hold Amplifiers in 45nm CMOS SOI ,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, , 2016.
X. Yang and A. Babakhani, ” A Full-Duplex Single-Chip Transceiver with Self-Interference Cancellation in 0.13µm SiGe BiCMOS for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ,” in IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, , vol. 51, no. 10, pp. 2408-2419, 2016.
P. Chen and A. Babakhani, ” 3D Radar Imaging based on a Synthetic Array of 30GHz Impulse Radiators with On-Chip Antennas in 130nm SiGe BiCMOS ,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, , 2016.
C. Chen and A. Babakhani, ” Wireless Synchronization and Spatial Combining of Widely-Spaced mm-wave Arrays in 65nm CMOS ,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, , 2016.
X. Yang and A. Babakhani, ” A Single-Chip Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Transceiver in 0.13µm SiGe BiCMOS ,” in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques , vol. 63, no. 11, pp. 3727-3735, Oct. 2015.
X. Yang and A. Babakhani, ” A Free-space Optically-Locked VCO with Picosecond Timing Jitter in 0.18µm CMOS ,” in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 1180-1183, Jun. 2014.
P. Bhatnagar, M. Alauddin, J. A. Bankson, D. Kirui, P. Seifi, H. Huls, D. A. Lee, A. Babakhani, M. Ferrari, K. C. Li, and L. J. N. Cooper, ” Tumor Lysing Genetically Engineered T Cells Loaded with Multi-Modal Imaging Agents ,” in Nature Scientific Reports , 4, Article Number: 4502, pp. 1-6, Mar. 2014.
J.O. Plouchart, M.A. Ferriss, A.S. Natarajan, A. Valdes-Garcia, B. Sadhu, A. Rylyakov, B.D. Parker, M. Beakes, A. Babakhani, S. Yaldiz, L. Pileggi, R. Harjani, S. Reynolds, J.A. Tierno, and D. Friedman, ” A 23.5 GHz PLL with an Adaptively Biased VCO in 32 nm SOI-CMOS ,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers , vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 2009-2017, Aug. 2013.
B. Sadhu, M. Ferriss, A. S. Natarajan, S. Yaldiz, J.O. Plouchart, A.V. Rylyakov, A. Valdes-Garcia, B.D. Parker, A. Babakhani, S. Reynolds, X. Li, L. Pileggi, R. Harjani, J.A. Tierno, and D. Friedman, ” A Linearized, Low-Phase-Noise VCO-based 25-GHz PLL with Autonomic Biasing ,” in IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits , vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 1138-1150, May 2013.
M. Ferriss, J.O. Plouchart, A. Natarajan, A. Rylyakov, B. Parker, J. Tierno, A. Babakhani, S. Yaldiz, A. Valdes-Garcia, B. Sadhu, and D. Friedman, ” An Integral Path Self-Calibration Scheme for a Dual-Loop PLL ,” in IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits , vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 996-1008 , Apr. 2013.
Z. Liu , L. Ma , G. Shi , W. Zhou , Y. Gong , S. Lei , X. Yang , J. Zhang , J. Yu , K. Hackenberg , A. Babakhani , J. Idrobo , R. Vajtai , and J. Lou, “In-plane heterostructures of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride with controlled domain sizes ,” in Nature Nanotechnology , pp. 119-124, Jan. 2013.
J. Lavaei, A. Babakhani, A. Hajimiri, and J. C. Doyle, “ Solving Large-Scale Hybrid Circuit-Antenna Problems ,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I , vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 374-387, Feb. 2011.
A. Babakhani, D. B. Rutledge, and A. Hajimiri, “Near-Field Direct Antenna Modulation ,” in IEEE Microwave Magazine , vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 36-46, Feb. 2009.
A. Hassibi, A. Babakhani, and A. Hajimiri, “A Spectral-Scanning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Integrated Transceiver ,” in IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits , vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 1805-1813, Jun. 2009.
A. Babakhani, D. B. Rutledge, and A. Hajimiri, “Transmitter Architectures Based on Near-Field Direct Antenna Modulation (NFDAM) ,” in IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits , vol. 43, no. 12, pp. 2674-2692, Dec. 2008.
S. Jeon, Y. Wang, H. Wang, F. Bohn, A. Natarajan, A. Babakhani, and A. Hajimiri, “A Scalable 6-to-18 GHz Concurrent Dual-Band Quad-Beam Phased-Array Receiver in CMOS ,” in IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits , pp. 2660-2673, Dec. 2008.
A. Babakhani, X. Guan, A. Komijani, A. Natarajan, and A. Hajimiri, “A 77 GHz Phased Array Transceiver with On-Chip Dipole Antennas: Receiver and Antennas ,” in IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits , vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 2795-2806, Dec. 2006.
A. Natarajan, A. Komijani, X. Guan, A. Babakhani, and A. Hajimiri, “A 77 GHz Phased Array Transceiver with On-Chip Dipole Antennas: Transmitter and Local LO-Path Phase Shifting, ” in IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits , vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 2807-2819, Dec. 2006.
J. Buckwalter, A. Babakhani, A. Komijani, and A. Hajimiri, “An Integrated Subharmonic Coupled-Oscillator Scheme for a 60-GHz Phased-Array Transmitter ,” in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques , vol. 54, no. 12, pp. 4271-4280, Dec. 2006.