Common Safety Links:
Laboratory Safety Manual (UCLA)
Institutional Biosafety Plan (UCLA)
SOPs: chemical and biological
UC Chemicals (chemical inventory)
Safety Training:
What safety training do I need? (Training matrix)
Site safety training checklist
Research Safety Toolkit (UCLA) – comprehensive document with links
New members: Site Safety Orientation Checklist (UCLA).
Mandatory WorkSafe courses: LAB-LSFC-OL (or refresher), LAB-CHP-OL, LAS-LAS-OL, LAS-EL-OL, BIO-IBC-OL
For biosafety: BIO-BSL2-OL, BIO-MWD-OT, BIO-BSC-OL, BIO-BBP-OL, BIO-SHIP-OL (shipping)
Added to UC Chemicals, LHAT, BUA
Additional Safety Links:
Biosafety reference documents: NIH Guidelines and CDC BMBL
UCLA Facilities Management (service requests). 24/7 Emergencies: call FM at (310) 825-9236.
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